Students received directions today for their Literature Circle Final Project. A duplicate of the student directions are below. Also, the rubric that will be used to score the project is after the directions.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: alphabet planner chart
book pages
markers, colored pencils, or crayons
illustrations (hand-drawn, computer-generated, or from magazines
and newspapers)
PROCEDURE: Students will brainstorm words for each letter of the alphabet that represent something important from the Literature Circle novel. The words can be
Ø names of important characters
Ø parts of the setting
Ø description of events
Ø adjectives used to describe characters, events, etc.
Students will then explain the word’s significance in a short paragraph of at least three sentences. Students will also provide a related picture. Pictures can be hand-drawn, computer generated, and/or cut out of newspapers and magazines.
Students will then combine this information into a creative ABC book that showcases the highlights of the novel. The ABC book can be typed or handwritten, but should be neat and pleasing to the eye.
***Please note that the ABC book should represent the entire novel. Points will be deducted from projects that do not include information from the book as a whole. Students who do not finish reading their Literature Circle book will likely do poorly on this project because they may not know all the events of the story.
Students will not receive the pages to create their book until they have submitted an alphabet planning chart to Ms. Short.
Rubric for Literature Circle
ABC Book Project
CATEGORY | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5 |
Words | Every letter contains a word that is meaningful and directly related to the assigned literature circle novel. | Every letter contains a word that is directly related to the assigned literature circle novel, but one or two are less meaningful. | Most letters contain a word that is meaningful and directly related to the assigned literature circle novel, but at least three letters are missing related words. | Most letters contain a word that is meaningful and directly related to the assigned literature circle novel, but more than three letters are missing related words. |
Graphics/ Pictures | Every letter is assigned a graphic or picture that goes well with the text. | Every letter is assigned a graphic or picture, but at least one does not seem to go well with the text. | Most letters are assigned a graphic or picture, but at least two are missing. | Some letters are assigned a graphic or picture, but more than five are missing. |
Related Paragraphs | Every letter has a complete paragraph that clearly explains the word and its significance. | Most letters have a complete paragraph that clearly explains the word and its significance, but at least one paragraph is does not clearly explain the word’s significance. | Some letters have a complete paragraph that clearly explains the word and its significance, but at least two paragraphs do not clearly explain the word’s significance. | Although some letters have related paragraph, most do not explain the word's significance AND/OR more than three paragraphs are missing. |
Facts Included | The project contains many specific facts and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the entire book. | The project contains many specific facts, but only demonstrates a thorough knowledge of parts of the book. | The project contains some specific facts, but only demonstrates a basic knowledge of the book. | The project contains few specific facts and only demonstrates a very basic knowledge of parts of the book. |
Spelling and Grammar | The project is completely free of errors in spelling and/or grammar in all parts of the ABC book. | The project is nearly free of errors in spelling and/or grammar, but one to three errors remain. | The project contains four to five errors in spelling and/or grammar. | The project contains six errors or more errors in spelling and/or grammar. |
Overall Score _________ out of 100 points = ____________