All the Latest News on What is Happening in Mrs. Earl's 7th Grade English Language Arts Class
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Students of the Week
1st Period - Alex
3rd Period - Jefari
5th Period - Moo
6th Period - Chiara
Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Need a little extra credit?
Appropriate magazines could be, but are not limited to, the following:
US News and World Report
Field and Stream
Good Housekeeping
Family Circle
Rolling Stone
Entertainment Weekly
US Weekly
Sports Illustrated
Cooking Light
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Our Class is on Facebook
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Congratulations to our Talented 8th Graders!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dear Mayor Miner
The Literature Circle Roles
Passage Master - person who finds interesting, important, and/or difficult passages to share with the rest of the group
Word Wizard - person who keeps track of the new, interesting, difficult, or important words in the text
Connector - the person who makes connections between the text and themselves, the text and other texts, and/or the text and the real world
Questioner - the person who creates questions for their group to answer regarding the text
Illustrator - the person who summarizes the main events of the text in pictures
Once a week, students will meet with the rest of the literature circle and discuss the book. Students will share information they gathered and discuss the book as a whole. Each group will address any questions or concerns about information in the book and plan for the next reading week.
Literature Circle Books
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Congratulations Editorial Winners
The outstanding editorials were submitted by:
Marian J.
Nick C.
Asmae A.
Blerta I.
Bailey P.
Nermin A.
Zhamir W.
Helena W.
Lloyd S.
Nickoy A.
Donovan S.
Joey S.H.
Alize R.
Arsen B.
Davontae B.
Expect to Receive Updated Grades
Saturday, November 21, 2009
25-Book Assignment
"The Medicine Bag" Quiz

Monday, November 9, 2009
The Elements of Fiction Song

Reviewing Elements of Fiction Song
by Ms. Short
Stories are made from many parts,
when they come together it touches your heart.
Characters are the people, animals, and such
a talking dog or a man who’s Dutch.
Dynamic characters always change
while a static character stays the same.
A protagonist is the main one
while the antagonist tries to make his life no fun.
The setting is the where and when
a beach in summer or a lion’s den.
The order of events we call plot
the first, the second, sometimes there’s a lot.
The theme is the lesson we learn
be kind to others or be less stern.
Point of view is how the story’s told
a narrator or a lady who’s old.
Combine these elements and you will see
a complete, effective fiction story.
Reviewing Elements of Literary Fiction
- setting
- dynamic characters
- static characters
- plot
- conflict
- antagonist
- protagonist
- theme
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Half Day on November 5th
Monday, November 2, 2009
Underground Railroad/Aboltionist Movement Trading Card Project
Students will be working a project this week where they will research a topic related to the Underground Railroad and Abolitionist Movement. Students will then create a trading card that displays this information.
Ø The name of your research topic clearly stated on the front of the card
Ø A picture of your research topic on the front of your card
(The picture can be hand drawn or copied from a book or the internet.)
Ø Fifteen specific facts about your research topic on the back of the card written in your own words.
(Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade.)
Ø All facts written in a logical order depending on the topic.
(Go over your text structure notes for ideas!)
Ø A summary paragraph that explains WHY your research topic was important to the Underground Railroad and/or the Abolitionist Movement
Ø A list of resources from where you got your information. You MUST use at least three different resources.
Students will be graded according to the following rubric:
| 20 Distinguished | 15 Proficient | 10 Needs Improvement | 5 Unacceptable |
Required Elements | All required elements are included in the project and are thorough, complete, and easily identified. | All required elements are included in the project, but at least one is not thorough and complete. | The majority of the required elements are included in the project, but at least one is missing or incomplete. | Two or more required elements are either missing or incomplete. |
Content | All of the information in the project is accurate and complete. The project contains many specific details and examples which are clearly explained and relate to the topic. | The majority of the information in the project is accurate and complete. The project contains specific details and examples which are clearly explained and relate to the topic. | The information in the project is accurate and complete, but many specific details and examples are not explained and/or do not relate to the topic. | Much of the information in the project is inaccurate or incomplete. The project contains few specific details and examples. |
Organization | All of the information in the project is organized in a logical manner. The facts listed as well as those in the paragraph are easy to follow. | Most of the information in the project is organized in a logical manner. The facts listed as well as those in the paragraph are easy to follow. | Some of the information in the project is organized in a logical manner, but the details are not easy to follow and could be better organized. | The information in the project is disorganized and difficult to follow. |
Use of Resources | At least three different resources have been used to gather information for the project. The resources are clearly cited and ALL parts of the project are free of any plagiarism. | At least three different resources have been used to gather information for the project. ALL parts of the project are free of any plagiarism, but all resources are not clearly stated. | The resources are clearly cited and ALL parts of the project are free of any plagiarism, but fewer than three resources were used. | Either fewer than three resources were used or there is evidence of plagiarism in the project. |
Conventions | The project is free of any errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/or capitalization. | The project contains one to three errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/or capitalization. | The project contains four to six errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/or capitalization. | The project contains more than six errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/or capitalization. |
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Second Installment of 25-Book Assignment
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
In the News
New Vocabulary
- incentive
- cajole
- incomprehensible
- disheveled
- instill
- eloquence
Stay tuned for practice vocabulary cards!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Another Extra Credit Opportunity - Due 10/16/09

The Post-Standard is sponsoring a Halloween Story contest. Children's writer Bruce Coville, of Syracuse, has written the beginning of a scary Halloween story, and he needs children to finish it. A winner is chosen in each of the three age groups: kindergarten through third grade, fourth through sixth grades and seventh through ninth grades. (Each winner receives a $25 gift certificate to Dougherty's Masquerade and an autographed copy of one of Coville's books. Winning entries will be published Oct. 29 in the CNY section of The Post-Standard.
Students are required to submit their ending of the story by next Friday, October 16th, to Ms. Short. Ms. Short will then forward all entries to the Post-Standard.
(Please note that submissions can be no longer than 250 words.)
Here is the story:
The reason Mark Anderson wasn't supposed to go into the old Washburn Cemetery was simple - old Gnarly Carker, the cemetery caretaker, didn't like kids.
The reason Mark often went into the cemetery anyway was also simple - it was between his house and his school, and it was a lot faster to go through it than it was to go around it. And as long as Gnarly didn't catch him, it was no problem.
Today - Halloween, of all days! - Gnarly had caught him.
Mark had been creeping along behind the tombstones, pretending that he was on a secret mission behind enemy lines, when he felt a cold, rough hand clutch him by the neck.
"Gotcha!" said a familiar voice.
"Let me go!" cried Mark, trying to twist his way out of Gnarly's grasp. But years of digging graves had given the old man a grip of steel, and Mark was held tight.
The old man turned Mark around so that they were face to face. This did not improve things, since Gnarly's face was one of the more frightening things about the cemetery. It was lean and craggy, with a hawklike nose and a single fierce eye. (The place where the other eye had been was covered by a black patch; according to the older kids at Mark's school, the only thing under the patch was an empty socket.)
"So, it's you," said Gnarly. "I thought it might be. You're the sneakiest of the lot, always cutting through here, disturbing the graves. Disturbing the dead."
"Let me go!" said Mark, struggling to break free from Gnarly's grasp. "I don't think so," said Gnarly. "Not tonight. I think it's time you found out why you shouldn't cut through here."
"What do you mean?" asked Mark nervously.
Gnarly began to laugh. "I think it's time you spent the night in Washburn Cemetery. Then you won't laugh so much, boy. Then you won't be sneaking through here. Then you'll know why Gnarly Carker wants you to stay away!"
Thunder rumbled in the darkening sky as Gnarly hauled Mark between the white tombstones, toward the little shed at the edge of the cemetery. Scarlet leaves fell all around them, seeming to whisper of the night to come, and the terrors it might hold ...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Extra Credit Assignment
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Acuity Testing
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
25-Book Assignment

Saturday, September 19, 2009
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
Welcome Back!
1. Explore both fiction and non-fiction texts in a variety of literary genres including novels, poetry, folklore, drama, short stories, and the like
2. Build vocabulary by developing a wide-range of word recognition strategies
3. Explore literary elements such as imagery, characterization, point of view, foreshadowing, conflict, etc.
4. Use comprehension strategies to monitor own reading and clarify meaning of text
5. Use a variety of note-taking strategies to record significant details from informational and literary texts, lectures, and listening selections
6. Utilize a variety of graphic organizers to both plan and organize writing as well as enhance comprehension of written texts
7. Review and use all aspects of the writing process to compose a variety of texts for both student-selected and teacher-selected purposes
8. Explore the various types of text structure in order organize and categorize information for a variety of purposes
9. Review and utilize the conventions of the English language including proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar
10. Utilize technology in a variety of meaningful ways in order to enhance comprehension as well as publish written texts
25% Class Work
25% Class Participation and Preparedness
25% Assessments (Tests and Quizzes)
25% Homework
The text for 8th grade English Language Arts is Glencoe’s Literature: Course Three. However, students will be using a number of supplemental texts and resources provided by the school to enhance their learning of the 8th grade curriculum. In addition, students with computer access can log into the class blog at to find additional resources related to the topics of study.
Students are expected to turn in all work on its due date. Students who turn in work a day late will be subject to a 25% penalty. Work that is more than one week late will not be accepted. Special consideration will be made for students who are out for an extended period of time due to personal illness or any other excused absence. It is the responsibility of the student to get any missed work and obtain assistance from Ms. Short to compete it if needed.
All students in the Syracuse City School District are required to read twenty-five books over the course of the school year. Students who begin this assignment prior to their eighth grade year may obtain credit for those books read during the summer. Each book must be at least one-hundred pages in length. Books that are longer than one-hundred pages do not count for more than one book. If a child reads a 200 page book, it does not count as two books read. After finishing the book, students need to prepare a summary that includes the book’s title and author as well as a brief review of the important characters and events.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Enjoying the Summer
Sunday, May 31, 2009
20-Book Assignment
Proud and Happy!

Winner of Legacy Project
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Reading in Literature Circle
Monday, May 11, 2009
Four Perfect Pebbles Final Project

Students need to turn in their Four Perfect Pebbles projects on Tuesday, May 19th by 3 PM. Students are required to select three of the nine options on their Think-Tac-Toe board that would create a straight line either diagonally, vertically, or horizontally. If students have misplaced their Think-Tac-Toe guidelines, they should see Ms. Short ASAP.
Reminders for Checking Grades
The usernames for each class are as follows:
Period 1 - ELA7P1
Period 4 - ELA7P4
Period 5 - ELA7P5
Period 6 - ELA7P6
If a student has forgotten his or her password, he or she needs to see Ms. Short.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
20-Book Assignment Reminder

This just a reminder to all students that their 2-book assignment is due by June 1st, 2009. Students were required to read twenty books throughout the school year writing a one-paragraph for each. Many students have been submitting summaries throughout the school year. However, some students are still lacking the required number of books read. Please remember that this assignment will account for 50% of each student's homework average for the fourth quarter. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Short at
Please note that the assignment has been reduced from twenty-five books to twenty books.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Introducing Literature Circles
- Passage Master
This person is responsible for finding interesting, important, or difficult passages for the group to review.
- Illustrator
This person summarizes the main events of the text in pictures. The illustrator can also bring in maps, graphs, charts, etc. to help the group understand certain aspects of the text.
- Questioner
This person creates questions for the group to discuss. The questions created might have a definitive answer or they might not.
- Connector
This person creates connections between the text and other texts, the text and him or herself as well as the text and the world at large.
- Word Wizard
This person selects words in the text that are particularly important, interesting, and/or difficult. This person helps build their group's vocabulary through words in the text.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Understanding Hitler and the Holocaust

As we continue reading "Four Perfect Pebbles," it is important that all students understand Hitler's rise to power and the ways that Jewish people amongst others were treated under the Nazi regime. The following are links that can't help students understand the time period in which Marion Blumenthal lived.
Students can earn five points extra credit by submitting the name of any online or print resources they have found that can help another student understand what the Holocaust was all about.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Enjoying Break
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Reading "Four Perfect Pebbles"

Students will begin reading a novel called "Four Perfect Pebbles" by Lila Perl and Marion Blumenthal Lazan. The story recounts the story of Lazan and her family's time during the Holocaust specifically in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. Students will begin the novel over Spring Break and will continue the novel through the end of April. Students who want to learn more about Luzan and the novel can go to the following helpful website:
Beginning of the 4th Marking Period
Monday, March 30, 2009
Weekly Editorial
Sunday, March 29, 2009
End of the 3rd Quarter
7th Grade Drama Project

As a culminating activity for our drama unit, students will be creating original plays to dramatize a specific theme. Students will be writing and editing scripts, creating costumes and scenery, and staging their productions. Students have the choice of creating a comedy or tragedy based on the assigned theme and their group's personal preference. Students will be working on this project throughout the week and will begin presentations next Monday, April 6th.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
SUNY ESF Science Fair 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Drama Vocabulary
drama - a story intended to be performed by actors on a stage or before television or movie cameras
comedy - type of play that is often humorous with a happy ending
tragedy - type of play that involves a main character who suffers a downfall, the downfall often affects the character and those around him or her in a negative way
script - the way the text of a play is written, contains dialogue and stage directions
dialogue - the conversations held by two or more characters in a play, helps to move the action of the story
monologue - when one character from a play gives a speech on the stage by him or herself
stage directions - instructions written by the playwright to describe the character's appearance or movements, lighting, sound effects, and/or scenery
scenes and acts - the way in which a play is organized, a group of scenes make up an act
Fun With Drama
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Getting Healthy at HW Smith
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Economic Bail Out - Yes or No?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Other People to Research for Project
Watch CBS Videos Online
The Greensboro Four
Watch CBS Videos Online
Michelle Obama - How is she adjusting to life in the White House?
Watch CBS Videos Online
Look at What Singer/Rapper, Wyclef Jean, Is Doing to Improve Life for Those in Haiti
Watch CBS Videos Online
President Obama's Road to the White House
Watch CBS Videos Online
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Even More People and Moments in Black History
African-American Astronaut: Dr. Mae Jemison
Nobel Prize Winner, Toni Morrison
Maurice Ashley: First African American International Chess Grand Master
An Overview of the Movement
Looking Back at the Civil Rights Movement and Its Heroes
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
A Speech Given by Malcolm X
The Freedom Riders
Dr. King on "Meet the Press"
Even More Important Events in Black History
The Struggle for School Integration
James Meredith and the Integration of the University of Mississippi
Integrating Little Rock's Central High School
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Celebrating Black History Month
Stevie Wonder
Muhammad Ali
Medgar Evers
Michael Jackson
Billie Holiday
Tyra Banks
Sidney Poitier
Michael Jordan
Oprah Winfrey
George Washington Carver
Rosa Parks
Frederick Douglass