May is the month for many state tests. Some seventh grade students will take FOUR state exams this month!
Are these exams necessary?
Why do you think students are asked to take these exams?
Could the testing schedule be improved?
In a response of no fewer than three sentences,
please compare and contrast the NEED for state exams and YOUR FEELINGS about the state exams.

Well , my thought of the state tests are that they are necessary to a certain extent. I think students are asked to take these test to see how they are doing at grade level performance.
We should remember that there also are needs and peoples feeling about state testing. It is a need for New York State to see if a student can perform at their grade level or needs to get held back. I think that me and the state have that in agreement because if a student can't perform at there grade level , ho are the possibly going to move on to the next grade.
There are also differences of my feelings and the needs of the state exam. I think that if they are going to give us these state exams that they shouldn't be so easy. Also the needs of the state is that students know all criteria. That is a lot of stuff to remember so i think think that they shouldn't put all that stuff on the test either - Kiana Ferguson
I think you have a very intelligent viewpoint. We need to have exams to assess student progress, but there is A LOT of information covered in one year especially in courses like math where the topics change each year.
We need to take these exams in order to find where our level is.
The testing schedule can be improved by changing the dates of taking the test. If all the tests are in May, the students don't have time to study. ESL should take the tests right away before they have time to study.
i think that these exams are necesary because esl kids need to show that they understand what they are going to be facing in high school
I think that the reason why these students are asked to take these exams because they are from different parts of the country and they need help with english.
my feelings about the new york state test exams is that they are good to me because they help me improve my reading and writing skills and math
~Munirah Hampton
i think that these tests or exams are necessary because if you practice doing test to get will help you sucseed in life. it also will help you get an education. so you do much better and go to college and get a job that pays well... the testing schedule can be improved because kids are tired of doing test in only four days.
shabbak hampton
I believe that state tests are somewhat nessasary. Yes, they do help the state understand what schools are ahead and what schools are behind, but they are also a lot of pressure on students. It is quite stressful when testing comes around. Also, it takes up a lot of our day and students miss some of their classes. So, their are a lot of different ways one can think of the situation. And honestly, if I could choose for there to be state tests or not, I would choose yes, their should be. This is mainly because without the state tests, there is a greater chance of a child passing the grade even though they aren't ready. Also, if the state couldnt tell what schools werent teaching their students well enough and which were, they wouldnt be able to help the students who werent getting a valuable education. So, when thoroughly pondered upon, state tests really arent a bad idea after all, even though the students might not appreciate them.
~Sarah Bennett :)
Well, yes. I do believe that the exams are absolutly necessary. At a commensurate consummation, students are asked to take these exams to perceive how they shall continue or fail their grade. In turn the declivity that the students heve recieved on how they did on the exams determines on whether they shall be in vain or persue on to the following grade. It is especially important for students to take exams on many other subjects. There are several opprotunities that a student can take in order to suceed to their following, chosen future. However, the testing scedule could be changed but I honestly do not mind when and/or where they are taken place. I feel that the assesments are just desired to take so that everyone can have a bright and beautiful future. Therefore, presenting my opinion on whether state exams are necassary, reasons students are required to take such exams, and feelings, my conclusion is that Yes, State exams are immensly necassary to have in life. :D
Well, my thought of the state tests are that they are necessary to a certain extent. i think students are asked to take these test to see how they are doing at grade level performance. also i think that students should do there best on there own. beacuse they are going to be held back to the same grade. ~Fikreta Kaljevic
Great thinking! I can see both sides of your comments. We do need to make sure that all students know certain things before moving to another grade, but sometimes the tests seem excessive.
The New York State Test is absolutely necessary. The exams test your skills for different subjects. The testing schedules are fine. They give us a few days to rest which is just enough. If you listen and study, which a student should do, it will be a peace of cake.
-Joseph Garcia
I believe that state exams are necessary because the tests show whether or not kids are performing at grade level.
If kids take the test,the state knows whether or not students are performing at grade level and if not, they should be held back.
The test schedule to me is fine because the state tests are usually in May which gives teachers plkenty of time to teach the material, and students get to study more.
^^ Richie
I think personally think these exams are necessary in some cases. I think students are asked to these exams to evaluate whether we're actually learning the materials being taught. I also think because the state want to make sure teachers are doing a good job which they are and making sure everyone is at grade level. If these exams aren't giving then there's greater probability that students won't try as hard.
I think the testing schedule could be improved. We have the ELA test one week and the week following it,math. Sometime after the ELA test, it seems like my brain just shut down. They should wait at least two weeks before giving us the math test. Having two tests in a month can be really stressful.
My opinion is that there should be state tests because the state need to know if students are trying their hardest. I really don't like tests, but these tests give me the excuse to try really hard and pay attention in class.It can help us improve and make us try harder. Even though some students might not like the idea of having tests, it' not the worst idea in the world.
Geneve Cung :)
I think these tests are necessary. I think these are necessary because it can show what you learned throughout the year. Even though some people don't think they are, i think they are important and good ways to see what classes to put certain people in.
Amna Brantley
I think the state tests are reasonable but just so many test effect your learning such as missing so many days of a certain class, it effect the learning we participate in each day such as science and some english. The test are not reasonable to a certain extend like an example, so many test being caked together like the english state test then the math state test. The one accomplishment I can say the test does have is to make us remeber what we have learned and bring back from a far ways back, a regular test doesn't do that becausewe only remeber what we have just went over which doesn't make you remeber what you have learned about a month ago.
Yours Truley,
LaNaya Willis
It necessery to other ESL people because some ESL student need to learn more than they usually do.
So they can know more and when next year they can OUT of ESL.
I think that it is good for kids because every year kids do it so you can no things if you don't and teachers pass you and you don't no what you are doing for the other year. And some of my friends are the same too And that's why I like the test us test That's why I want teachers to give the test because if you are filling that's good The other year you will and you will pass that time you no what you doing That time I like it if I fill or pass so that's why I like it And Think that it's good.
Hae Kue
I think that NY state test are necessary because i tells the State that student are performing at their grade level.It also tell them if they need more help or more advance classes.It also tell them if the student need to held back or move on to next grade.My feeling are that they should do NY state test because they are too easy, for me !!!
BY Faizan haseeb :) :D :} :]
mrs short um you know that blog pages have been blocked and my editorial is not finshed i dont rememeber my ending like that there must be an mistake my editorial ends like this is why we should take these exams
i thing its good becuase to see how they do and see what they learned. for the next yer grade level prefromane and there intellegent. lucien mpaka.
-Shaniece- I think these state tests are some what necessary .. What I mean by that is we have these tests to see whether or not students learned anything through the year. I just don't understand why are the E.L.A. and math state test is close. It's very hard to try to deal with all of these things. For the most part, I think the state tests are necessary.
I think we need NY state tests to see if kids are working up to NY state standards
Leeban Shirwa
yes i do think THE NEW YORK STATE are necessary.Because THE NEW YORK STATE ARE are to see what level your on and what level you are going to be in next year.THE NEW YORK STATE TEST can be improve the schudle by changing the date of THE NEW YORK STATE TEST and as in my opinion i think THE NEW YORK STATE TEST date should be change because some students can`t remember the stuff so i think the date of THE NEW YORK STATE TEST should be changed.
I think the state tests are necessary in order for students to get a better knowledge of it.every year the students could improve and understand the tests each year and also to see their grade level.Also they could compare your other state tests you did over the years and see how well you did on the new state test this year.For example you did very well on this years state tests you could pass,get in leadership or avid,instead of ais. I think students are necessary to take these tests because to mostly improve their grade performance/level. THE testing schedule can be improved but if we did the state tests lets say in June we would have more time to do math with ms. Kent and learns us what will be on the tests.IF the state tests were in the late June then probobly the students. (Werent here in June month at all wont be able to make it up maybe). THE difference of my feelings of the state exam tests,that if there going to give us 4 state tests then they shouldnt be this hard a little bit easier because students come from different countries and they have to do it and that person might not know none of the stuff on their they would struggle and not finish makes them get a low grade performance. Almira Hirkic
I think these exams are necessary because they show how well we a progress and math and reading. Students are ask to take these test to show what they know.The teset caqn be improved we should be able to take these test in January.
Jimmeshia Ware
My Feelings About The Exams Are Necessary Beacause They Give A Review Of What The Students Learned From The Whole School Year.
I Think Students Are Asked To Take These Exams To Show Their Skills In What They Have Learned. Another Reason Could Be That Students Are Asked To Take These Exams To Make Sure Their Ready For The Next Grade Or They Need To Stay Back In The Same Grade.
My Fellings Are About The Testing Schedule Could Be A Little More Improved.
~Mildalees Castro
My thought of the 4 state tests are that they are necessary.Why are they necessary.The New York state tests are necessary because,the tests show if students are ready to take advanced classes or take easier classes.I think that the schedule should be improved because,some students need more time to study for the tests.
The need for the state tests is to show how much a student knows.My feelings about the state tests are that they should not be too hard or too easy.These state test tell if the student should move on to higher level.
Fahira Masic
These state tests are necessary. This is because they are for the placement of your classes to the further years of your education. The state tests are designed to test your knowledge to see what you are capable of. Then see what classes you see capable of. Although I think the timing could be improved. In my opinion the state tests could be offered the last week of school.
-Xavier Boyer
i think that the state tests are necessary.Students are asked to take these tests to see their grade level if they are where they suppose to be or lower.The result determine whether you should move to the next grade or not.BONKE RUGIRA
Well, Of Course, I do believe that the exams are absolutely necessary.They help the state understand what schools are ahead and what schools are behind,but it could be hard on students,they become stressful,nerves that they cant focuses very well. If I could choose if the student should take the New York State Test i would say yes because,Mainly without the state tests, there is a greater chance that the students are passing the grade and may not even be ready.Another Reason is the teacher may not be teaching the skill they need to pass, and the state test checks if the teacher are teaching the right skill for the right grade and not just lower grade things.
My feelings about the New York State Test exams is that they are good to me because they help me improve my reading and writing skills and math and gets me ready for other tings in life.
-Falastin Abukar
- Each year starting from 3rd grade and on the New York State testinh program makes us take different exams each year.
I feel that are need for state tests are not that important as the state makes them to be. I understand that we need to be tested on our acedimic skills although they should give out a little bit more instruction about what is going to be on the test. I also strongly believe that instead of having two books for the test one short answer and one multiple choice they should shorten it and put both parts on one test that way we wouldn't have to be testing for such an extended amount of time. Although I don't think that they should stop testing completely that way we will know if progress is taken place. :)
~ Natale <3
i think we should take this test so the teachers will know how hard you are working.we should take this test so you can get sucseed and to get better in you reading.
by:vishma bhattarai
I personally feel that the state tests aren't critically nessicary. It should be up to the administators of the school, not the state to dicide the probability of the student to take advanced classes in the next grade. Althoguh, these tests may keep students more alert and concerned about their school work.Thare is a lacking of difficulty in these exams,pointing to how they are not needed and do not challenge the student.
Katie Willard
I dont think that all of these tests are neccessary. There are already a lot of things that take kids out of class so why have kids take tests to see what they learned in class when the test is keeping kids out of class.
Tim Willard
I think that the new york state tests are nesscary at certain times. I think that students are asked to take these tests to basically see what level were on and what we need to work on. Though this test for third graders i think is unesscary because they are too young.
The testing schedule to me is just fine. It's just around the end of the year to find out what the students are learning and comparing them with their old tests to see if they're improving.Though the reasons the the test isn't that good because it takes class time away and gets us behind in certain classes. Plus it's around the end of the school year and teachers are trying to get the ciriculum in.
Jazmine Cheek
I like the idea but I think they should accommodate the test for the special needs students. I am not exactly special needs, but English is my second language, and I have only studied it for three years. It is difficult with the vocabulary they tend to use on these exams.
I think these exams are necessary in some level. I think students are asked to take these exams so the states can determine whether teachers are doing a good job (which they are) and to see if you are learning the materials being taught. I also think students are asked to take these exams so the state will know what level you are in. In my opinion the testing schedule could definitely be improved because you have 2 weeks of testing and sometime after the ELA test it feels like my brain just shuts down. If they had the ELA state test in the first week of May and then the math 3 weeks later. That would give the students more time to review and get back into test mode.
I think the state exams are good in some ways because it can help you because when you take the test and you can do it easily then that shows that you've been a good student. Even though some students might not like the students, it's not the worst idea ever.
Geneve Cung
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