All the Latest News on What is Happening in Mrs. Earl's 7th Grade English Language Arts Class
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Enjoy your holiday break!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Belated Congratulations
Period One - Lah Yoo
Period Two - Danielle
Period Three - Jahmeer
Period Five - Munirah
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Blog Question - Due 12/23/10
Outstanding Student Volunteers
Monday, December 6, 2010
Answer a Question, Earn a HW Pass
What is your favorite book? What makes this book so special?
Students of the Week
1st Period - Kayla T.
2nd Period - Nyla R.
3rd Period - Rochelle B.
5th Period - Katie W.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thank you, Ms. Lesperance!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Outstanding Editorials
Sarah B.
Xavier B.
Rochelle B.
Geneve C.
Kapri D.
Sophia D.
Kodie H.
Shabbak H.
Trezure J.
Elia M.
Fahira M.
Lucien M.
Arianna P.
Mariah W.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
My School: H.W. Smith Elementary
My School: H.W. Smith Elementary: "The Rota-Kids are an extension of the Eastwood Rotary."
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Reviewing the Video from Today's Class
A Way to Complete One of Your 25-Book Assignments
* Write a complete summary of the show
* Create a poster that would encourage people to stop bullying
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Digital Collage for "Message of Hope"
Half Days Next Week
Monday, November 1, 2010
Our Blog Has Been Honored
Reminders for Next Week
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Two Versions of "The Tell-Tale Heart"
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Our New Vocabulary
Learn About Edgar Allan Poe
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Our Next Blog Question
All blog responses are due by midnight on October 30th, 2010.
Incentive for Friday, October 29th

To reward the hard work of students throughout the first marking period, the middle school team will be offering a showing of the children's film, "How to Train Your Dragon" in the auditorium on our next half day, Friday, October 29th. To be eligible, students need to be in good academic standing and receive no referrals between Thursday, October 21st and Friday, October 29th.
First Installment of the 25-Book Assignment
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Our Boys Modified Soccer Team
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Upcoming Quiz
- the elements of fiction
- the legend read in class, "Young Arthur"
- the elements of effective paragraphs
Enjoy Your Day Off
Friday, October 8, 2010
Looking Ahead
In addition, students can follow the links below for additional information:
Three Day Weekend
Elements of Fiction Rap
Students of the Week
Period One - Wa Hi D.
Period Two - Tim W.
Period Three - Eannette P.
Period Five - Bonke R.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Next Weekly Editorial
- an introduction
- body paragraph one
- body paragraph two
- conclusion
Students of the Week for 9/27 to 10/1
Period One - Natale D.
Period Two - Faizan H.
Period Three - Johnny D.
Period Five - Geneve C.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Progress Report Grades are Coming Up
Monday, September 27, 2010
Book Club Friday
Understanding Literary Genres
Friday, September 24, 2010
Congratulations to the Recent Students of the Week
Period One - Janaja M.
Period Two - Kiana F.
Period Three - Yasin K.
Period Five - Arianna P.
This Week's Current Events
The Week in Rap - Sept. 24th from Week in Rap on Vimeo.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Blog Question - Due by Thursday, September 30th
Open House

This is a reminder that HW Smith's Open House will be held this Thursday, September 23rd from 6:30 to 7:30 in the Middle School wing of the building. Families will have the opportunity to learn more about their child's classes and teachers during the Open House. If you have questions, please contact the Middle School Office at 435-4279.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Students of the Week
Period One - Paw L.
Period Two - Shabbak H.
Period Three - Amina B.
Period Five - Falastin A.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Student Lockers
Friday, September 10, 2010
Book Club Fridays
The first two Book Club Fridays will be held on:
Friday, September 17th
Friday, October 1st
Current Events Fridays
The Week in Rap - 2010 Summer Recap from Week in Rap on Vimeo.
Summer Reading Assignment Reminder

25-Book Assignment
Marking Period One - Six Books (Summary Activities Due October 25th, 2010)
Marking Period Two - Six Books (Summary Activities Due January 10th, 2011)
Marking Period Three - Seven Books (Summary Activities Due March 28th, 2011)
Marking Period Four - Six Books (Summary Activities Due June 15th, 2011)
Students are required to complete a summary activity for every book read. Students received a handout outlining the choices for summary activities today in class. If parents would also like a copy of these options, please contact Ms. Short at
Welcome back!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Last Week of Half Days
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Schedule for the Last Few Weeks of School
June 10th - Drama Presentations
June 11th - Finish Drama Presentations and Choose Summer Reading
June 14th - Introduce Final Project
June 15th - Reading Day
June 16th and June 17th - Work Days
June 18th - Project Due, Special Awards Ceremony in Class
*June 21st - 1/2 Days Begin
Monday, June 7, 2010
Blog Question - Due 6/11/10
1. Describe what our drama project has taught you about creating and/or performing a play.
2. Explain what contributions you made to insure your group's success.
3. Explain why your modernized version of "The Prince and the Pauper" is the best version. Describe what makes it special.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Final Installment of 25-Book Assignment
Summer Reading Choice Three - Hurricane Song

Appropriate for grades 7-12. In the wake of his mom’s remarriage, Miles moves to
Summer Reading Choice Two - Gym Candy

Having grown up in the shadow of his father's failed NFL career, high-school football player Mick Johnson is determined not to make the same mistakes. But when he's tackled just short of the goal in a pivotal game, he decides that vitamin supplements aren't enough and begins purchasing "gym candy," or steroids, from the trainer at his local gym. His performance starts breaking records and his father couldn't be more proud, but along with gains in muscle, he suffers "'roid rage," depression, and unsightly acne. When his secret finally comes out, he attempts suicide. Even after therapy, Mick is left wondering if he'll continue to be tempted by steroids. Deuker skillfully complements a sobering message with plenty of exciting on-field action and locker-room drama, while depicting Mick's emotional struggles with loneliness and insecurity as sensitively and realistically as his physical ones.
Summer Reading Choice One - The Rules of Survival

Appropriate for grades 7-10. Living with an unpredictable, psychotic mother has taught Matthew how to survive. Constantly on alert, he and his sister, Callie, devotedly shelter their younger stepsister, Emmy, from their mother's abuse and worry about staying safe. Matt insists that "fear isn't actually a bad thing . . . . It warns you to pay attention, because you're in danger. It tells you to do something, to act, to save yourself," but his terror is palpable in this haunting, powerful portrayal of domestic dysfunction, which is written in retrospect as a letter from Matt to Emmy. Unfortunately, the adults in the children's life, a distant father and an apathetic aunt, don't help, though Matt sees a spark of hope in Murdoch, who dates his mother, Nikki, and then leaves when he becomes another target for her escalating rage. It is Murdoch, with a violent past of his own, who is willing to risk getting involved and eventually becomes the change agent that the children so desperately need. The author of Double Helix (2003),Werlin reinforces her reputation as a master of the YA thriller, pulling off a brilliant departure in this dark but hopeful tale, with pacing and suspense guaranteed to leave readers breathlessly turning the pages.
Incoming 9th Graders Summer Reading
1. The Rules of Survival by Nancy Werlin
2. Gym Candy by Carl Deuker
3. Hurricane Song by Paul Volponi
Further information including reviews will be posted on our blog shortly. Students will have a chance to investigate each book next week before making their selection.
Half Day Next Tuesday
Modified Schedule for Monday, June 7th
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Props, Costumes, and Scenery
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Special Opportunities
Students of the Week
Period One - Alex
Period Three - Amir
Period Five - Halima
Period Six - Corey
Modernizing "The Prince and the Pauper" Project

The Home Stretch
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's HOT at HW Smith
Check out the above link to the Channel 9 News story about the heat at HW Smith. They recorded temperatures of 115 degrees in our classroom!
Posted using ShareThis
Monday, May 17, 2010
Half Day on Wednesday
Photos Needed
Career Day Editorial
Editorial Directions
Every job has specific responsibilities. Every job also things that make it enjoyable as well as those things that make it difficult. Compare and contrast two professions you learned about at Friday's Career Day. Also, discuss which of these two jobs you would prefer if you had to make a choice. be sure to:
- compare and contrast the two jobs explaining specific details about each profession
- explain which of the two jobs you would prefer to do in the future if forced to choose between the two
- use SPECIFIC DETAILS to support your position
Monday, May 10, 2010
Students of the Week
1st Period - Jouliana
3rd Period - Justin
5th Period - Moo
6th Period - Safi
Field Test on Friday
Creating a HW Smith Masquerade
Friday, May 7, 2010
Opportunity for Extra Credit

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Compare/Contrast Essay
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Weekly Editorial
Introduction: This time of year is especially difficult for eighth graders because they realize that the majority of their middle school career is over and they are preparing for their new life in high school. Because of this, many eighth grade students do not put forth their best effort and instead miss class work or homework assignments, do not study for tests and quizzes, and even begin acting out in disruptive ways in the hallway and in class.
Your Task: Your job is to brainstorm the reasons why eighth grade students might think the school is over when we have seven weeks left. Also, you will need to think through the consequences of what might happen if a student “checks out” with so much learning left to do in the school year.
The Editorial Format: You will have a choice of how to present your findings. You could:
Write a Letter to Ms. Lane
Write a friendly letter of at least two complete paragraphs explaining why students do not always do their best this late in the school year as well as a description of things that Ms. Lane and the teaching staff could do to motivate students. The friendly letter format must be followed.
Create a Poem
Using Bronx Masquerade for inspiration, create a persuasive poem of at least ten lines to motivate your classmates to do their best in the last seven weeks of the school year. Remember that the goal is to persuade your classmates to do better.
Draw a Political Cartoon
Create a cartoon that could go into the school newsletter that would inform the reader of the problem of students not doing their best in the end of the school year as well motivate students to change their bad habits. Use your humor and creativity!
You will complete the graphic organizer and then create you editorial on your own paper. Both items need to be turned in by Friday, May 7th, at 3PM for full credit.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Blog Question of the Week
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Upcoming Quiz
The Home Stretch

Saturday, April 24, 2010
On Tuesday, students will complete the reading and writing section of the test. Students will read two related passages, excerpts, and/or poems and then answer a few short-response questions based on the readings as well as write a short essay.
Students should be sure to get plenty of sleep and a good breakfast on the days of the exam. Also, the exam will begin promptly at 8:15 am so students should get to school on time.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Updated Grades
Nikki Grimes: 2009 National Book Festival
Here some words and poems from the author of Bronx Masquerade, Nikki Grimes.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Many Assignments Due This Week
- Spring Sport Editorial (Due by Friday)
- Signed Parent Letter (Due by Friday)
- Read up to pg. 64 in Bronx Masquerade (Due by Thursday)
- Character Chart Completed for Characters up to page 64 (Due by Thursday)
*Other classwork assignments will be given throughout the week. Any that are not finished in class become homework.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Spring Break
Link to the Bronx Masquerade Blog
Students of the Week
Period One - Aseel A.
Period Three - Hassan O.
Period Five - Safa A.
Period Six - Abdinoor M.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Earning a HW Pass
The NYS English Language Arts Exam
Final Installment of 25-Book Assignment
Bronx Masquerade

Friday, March 26, 2010
Next Installment of 25-Book Assignment
Students of the Week for 3/22/10 to 3/26/10
Period One - Alize
Period Three - Jacob
Period Five - Nickoy
Period Six - Helena
Upcoming Day Off
Important Poetry Terms
rhythm - the beat of a poem
rhyme - the repetition of sounds at the end of the word
repetition - a word or phrase that is repeated in a poem for emphasis
alliteration - a type of consonance where a consonant sound is repeated at the beginning of words
consonance - the repetition of consonant sounds in a line of poetry
assonance - the repetition of vowel sounds in a line of poetry
symbolism - when an object, idea, etc. represents something larger than itself
Prove It's Poetry Project
Welcome, Miss Constantine!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Students of the Week
Period One - Himzija
Period Three - Alma
Period Five - Yvonne
Period Six - Draquan
Figurative Language Quiz
Amir B.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Scholastic Reading Inventory
Students of the Week
Period One - Jazmine G.
Period Three - Sheldon H.D.
Period Five - Am P.
Period Six - Ronasia D.
Figurative Language Quiz
- literal meaning of words and phrases
- figurative meaning of words and phrases
- personification
- simile
- hyperbole
- metaphor
- onomatopoeia
- idioms
- cliches
Students can review a wide-variety of idioms and their explanations at
Thank You
Ms. Short
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Students of the Week
1st Period - Aseel
3rd Period - Naomi
5th Period - Lanaya
6th Period - Zhamir
Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Mid-Winter Recess
Monday, February 8, 2010
Writing Business Letters

We will round out our written correspondence unit with a study of business letters. Students will learn the use of business letters as well as the specific format in which to write them. Students will then write a business letter of compliment or a business letter of complaint to the maker of a product they often use.
Congratulations to the Recent Students of the Week
1st Period
Admir C.
Demetriell D.
3rd Period
Jacob G.
Bailey P.
Ta'carra N.
5th Period
Seik P.
Luis S.
6th Period
Tiana H.
Lovetee D.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Needing Stamps
Snail Mail Relay
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Letter Writing Unit

Students began a letter writing unit yesterday by investigating the five most common types of written correspondence. Students learned about:
-friendly letters
-business letters
Students also talked about how emailing and texting have made some written correspondence obsolete.
Students further discussed the proper format for friendly letters and began writing these types of letters today in class. The friendly letters are to the sixth grade class advising them about the transition to the middle school. After a peer editing workshop tomorrow, students will revise and publish their letters before sending them off to the sixth graders.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Starting a New Unit
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Acuity Testing
Final Literature Circle Quiz
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
HW Smith in the News
USDA considers getting rid of chocolate milk at school lunch
Local students upset over letter from President Obama
Looking Ahead

To continue with our twenty-five book assignment, the next installment of summaries are due on Thursday, April 1st, 2010. Students will need to read and summarize seven books by this time.
Summaries should include the following information and be no fewer than five sentences:
*the title of the book
*its author
*a short description of the book
* a recommendation if other students should read the book and why
End of the Marking Period
Friday, January 8, 2010
Students of the Week
1st Period - James
3rd Period - Asmae
5th Period - Amal
6th Period - Draquan
Keep working hard!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Only One Week Left
Staying Safe on the Internet

On Tuesday, January 19, Kathleen Deck from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will be at HWS to make a presentation on internet safety to all students in grades five through eight. This is a great opportunity for our tech-savvy students to learn how to be safe while they are online.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Literature Circle Final Project - Due 1/22/10
REQUIRED MATERIALS: alphabet planner chart
book pages
markers, colored pencils, or crayons
illustrations (hand-drawn, computer-generated, or from magazines
and newspapers)
PROCEDURE: Students will brainstorm words for each letter of the alphabet that represent something important from the Literature Circle novel. The words can be
Ø names of important characters
Ø parts of the setting
Ø description of events
Ø adjectives used to describe characters, events, etc.
Students will then explain the word’s significance in a short paragraph of at least three sentences. Students will also provide a related picture. Pictures can be hand-drawn, computer generated, and/or cut out of newspapers and magazines.
Students will then combine this information into a creative ABC book that showcases the highlights of the novel. The ABC book can be typed or handwritten, but should be neat and pleasing to the eye.
***Please note that the ABC book should represent the entire novel. Points will be deducted from projects that do not include information from the book as a whole. Students who do not finish reading their Literature Circle book will likely do poorly on this project because they may not know all the events of the story.
Students will not receive the pages to create their book until they have submitted an alphabet planning chart to Ms. Short.
Rubric for
ABC Book Project
CATEGORY | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5 |
Words | Every letter contains a word that is meaningful and directly related to the assigned literature circle novel. | Every letter contains a word that is directly related to the assigned literature circle novel, but one or two are less meaningful. | Most letters contain a word that is meaningful and directly related to the assigned literature circle novel, but at least three letters are missing related words. | Most letters contain a word that is meaningful and directly related to the assigned literature circle novel, but more than three letters are missing related words. |
Graphics/ Pictures | Every letter is assigned a graphic or picture that goes well with the text. | Every letter is assigned a graphic or picture, but at least one does not seem to go well with the text. | Most letters are assigned a graphic or picture, but at least two are missing. | Some letters are assigned a graphic or picture, but more than five are missing. |
Related Paragraphs | Every letter has a complete paragraph that clearly explains the word and its significance. | Most letters have a complete paragraph that clearly explains the word and its significance, but at least one paragraph is does not clearly explain the word’s significance. | Some letters have a complete paragraph that clearly explains the word and its significance, but at least two paragraphs do not clearly explain the word’s significance. | Although some letters have related paragraph, most do not explain the word's significance AND/OR more than three paragraphs are missing. |
Facts Included | The project contains many specific facts and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the entire book. | The project contains many specific facts, but only demonstrates a thorough knowledge of parts of the book. | The project contains some specific facts, but only demonstrates a basic knowledge of the book. | The project contains few specific facts and only demonstrates a very basic knowledge of parts of the book. |
Spelling and Grammar | The project is completely free of errors in spelling and/or grammar in all parts of the ABC book. | The project is nearly free of errors in spelling and/or grammar, but one to three errors remain. | The project contains four to five errors in spelling and/or grammar. | The project contains six errors or more errors in spelling and/or grammar. |
Overall Score _________ out of 100 points = ____________